Join the journey with David Knight, a true veteran in the realm of news and analysis, and become part of a community that values historical context, critical think, and spiritual insight in navigating the challenges of our era. LIVE every weekday morning at 9am Eastern where you’ll find an honest, fresh perspective, not partisan cheerleading. WIth a background as an electrical engineer, David is focused on the interplay of technology & liberty from a Christian perspective. David has had decades of experience in the trenches of politics as an activist, organizer, candidate, reporter, analyst, and news anchor

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
- Scott Ritter, who opposed the WMD lies Bush used for Iraq War, raided by FBI
- Tulsi Gabbard, now gets 7 people tracking her every flight after criticizing Lala Harris according to US Marshal whistleblowers
- Pro-life organizations labeled "terrorist" group by Pentagon
- Muslim mob given free run of UK city after police fought with an iron fist against English protestors. Police official admits "two-tier" (double standard) policing
(1:02:59) "WEIRD" CHRISTIANITY - Tim Walz's church doesn't use God's preferred pronouns
- The many strange, radical leftist priorities of the "church" Walz attends
- "Christians for Kamala"
- A big focus of Walz's Covid tyranny snitch line was churches
- The civil war era law that's being weaponized by Biden administration against pro-lifers
(1:31:04) INTERVIEW Gold & Silver in Shaky Markets: KY Gov Defies Legislature to Tax Gold Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold
- What happened to gold and silver in Monday's big dip, and why
- Kentucky Governor defies the legislature and Attorney General and directs the state to continue sales tax on gold & silver. Does he have the authority?
- Will a Fed interest rate solve anything?
- Will Feds attempt to confiscate gold in the future? Would they be successful?
- And updates on what's coming to Wise Wolf
- The original Olympics
- professional, cash & slaves as prizes, even audience male only
- blood sacrifices, superstitions, idolatry
- violent, often fatal
- naked competition, prostitute
- Why would they choose the Greek Olympics as a foundation
- The New World Disorder's spiritual message denigrating Christ — replacing the blood of Christ with wine, the body of Christ with images of sexual debaucher
- What does it tell us about the society they wan
- Christians need to run the race and compete as our ancestors have successfully done in the past
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
INTERVIEW Gold & Silver in Shaky Markets; KY Gov Defies Legislature to Tax Gold
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
- What happened to gold and silver in Monday's big dip, and why
- Kentucky Governor defies the legislature and Attorney General and directs the state to continue sales tax on gold & silver. Does he have the authority?
- Will a Fed interest rate solve anything?
- Will Feds attempt to confiscate gold in the future? Would they be successful?
- And updates on what's coming to Wise Wolf
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
INTERVIEW Neo-Paganism & Olympic Programming
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Dr. Peter Hammond, FrontlineMissionSA.org, joins
- The original Olympics
- professional, cash & slaves as prizes, even audience male only
- blood sacrifices, superstitions, idolatry
- violent, sometimes fatal
- naked competition, prostitute
- Why would they choose the Greek Olympics as a foundation
- The New World Disorder's spiritual message denigrating Christ — replacing the blood of Christ with wine, the body of Christ with images of sexual debaucher
- What does it tell us about the society they want
- Christians need to run the race and compete as our ancestors have successfully done in the past
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
- One of the blessings of federalism was that we didn't have to worry about people like Tim Walz if we lived in a different state. Now that's changed
- WATCH: From the CRINGE, scripted call of Lala inviting him to be on the ticket, to his astounding statement about not being ashamed of socialism since it's "just being neighborly"
- Republicans are FINALLY TALKING ABOUT ISSUES, in order to combat this "friendly uncle" persona — and Walz is full of issues
- Walz on 2nd Amendment - the gun control agenda in full
- LADDERS at the BORDER, LICENSES in MINNESOTA — No one better illustrates the policies designed to colonize America than Walz and "Little Mogadishu", the massive Somalian Marixist enclave — a power base of his radical allies like Ilhan Omar and Soros puppet Keith Ellison
- From the globalists at Aspen Institute down to the rioter on the street, leftists love this guy because he gives them what they want
- Stasi-style snitching ("socialism is neighborliness")
- Lotteries to seduce teens into playing Russian Roulette with the jab
- Lockdowns, masks, and junk science — no one did it more intensely
- His "Little Mogadishu" newcomers set up a fraud pipeline, but so did his state unemployment agency
- Babies viable enough to survive attempted abortion — murdered in greater numbers than the most prolific state execute murderers. Walz's contribution was to cover up the reporting
- Young minors mutilated in far greater numbers than chemical castrations of convicted sex offenders. Walz's contribution — to hide stats and fight custody of out of state parents
- TikTok influencer Aidan Ross, the latest example that Trump cares only about celebrities and nothing about issues, interviews Trump and then gives the billionaire his own "Elon" as Trump calls the Cybertruck (wrapped in a mural of Trump's shooting) — and also a Rolex
- A shallow display of mutual sycophancy as Trump dances with the TikToker (Jeff Yass changed Trump's mind with "Yass Coin")
- Actor Jon Voight pushes "civil war" again if Trump loses.
(2:55:58) Hegelian Civil War — Radical Dem, Jamie Raskin, feeds the "civil war" narrative from the left as Jon Voight pushes "civil war" from the right.
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
INTERVIEW Covid Fraud Opens People's Minds to Suppressed & Censored Info About Cancer
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Just as the FDA sought to suppress the use of Ivermectin and to vilify raw milk, for 50 years (as of 2024) the information contained in the book "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17" has been suppressed, vilified, and censored. Here's what they don't want you to know and where you can do your own research
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
- What caused the crash on Monday of stocks, bitcoin, and other assets?
- Some recovery but the question now is whether it will scare the Fed into lower interest rates
- Recession? Even mainstream media is now talking about commercial real estate time bomb and how banks are trying to hide it
- Giggle, the search engine designed to HIDE things and people, is a joke
- The anti-trust case is brought by Biden DOJ
- Like so many prosecutions, the REAL crimes are not even being charged
- Is Google worried? They're still allied with Dems
- Sports fans have always been somewhat abusive of the other teams, but now a massive police state is justified to protect Olympics athletes from hurt feelings. It's NOT just keywords but AI used to "extract attitudes" from social media posts and report to the police the thought crimes
- It would take an army of snitches to go through social media — OR — the military (DARPA) can create AI snitches for mass surveillance and data mining
(47:13) Florida's "Constitutional Carry" oddly did not legalize OPEN CARRY. Lawsuit has been filed
(55:43) Trump's Attacks on a popular governor in a battleground stake
- Will the wounded ego and desire for revenge sink his campaign? Even Lindsey Graham is worried
- Kyle Rittenhouse and the wrath of MAGA…is Trump more important to MAGA than 2nd Amendment? Did they support Rittenhouse to support 2A and due process or did they support him because he was a "friend" of Trump?
- JD Vance explains to Stephanopolous how 2020 election SHOULD have been contested, but wasn't
- Son of the "Moonies" founder now has a Trump MAGA church
- Michael Brown says regardless of how you vote, understand the GOP is NOT GOD
- Charlie Kirk has moved from politics, to "Culture War", to "Believer’s Summit". Is Kirk's Christian Nationalism, Christian?
(2:04:35) INTERVIEW Trump Campaign Hired Its Own Exit Polling — What Did They Discover?
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
INTERVIEW Trump Campaign Hired Its Own Exit Polling — What Did They Discover?
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
(32:20) Big Talk from BigTech — Fakery & Hubris
- You'll own nothing — not even a computer mouse says LogiTech CEO. The "forever" mouse that you RENT FOREVER
- Don't have enough time for "social" media? Create a fake AI to impersonate yourself
- Cybertruck "Ambulance"? Where does the patient go?
- City refuses to pay woman $200,000 after her Supreme Court victory
- Ja-PANIC — Japan is the first (not the last) country where markets panic
- Fiat-back-at-you. Could government mint a TRILLION DOLLAR Coin and use it to pay off government debt to the Federal Reserve
- NC Democrat candidate for Governor — another Democrat who wanted to live in a marxist country (Zimbabwe) — and TAUGHT ECONOMICS in the country famous for property theft and hyperinflation
- Central banks aren't interest in fiat TRILLION coins, they're collecting gold — and it's STILL a relatively small portion of the Chinese PBOC portfolio
- Ed Snowden warns about Bitcoin's non-private transactions
- Whitney Webb warns about how Trump & PayPal Mafia's embrace of Bitcoin may lead to a CBDC BY THE BACK DOOR using Bitcoin as a stablecoin
- BigAg has a role in the Climate MacGuffin — but this author is mistaken about the ultimate purpose of Covid/Climate MacGuffins
- "Deplorable" eco/criminals/terrorists of "Just Stop Oil" are Hillary's favorite cause
- Tyson Chicken shows how BigAg is pushing a pandemic to enhance its monopoly
(1:54:51) Here Comes the Sun — Big Boost in Solar Activity But Giant Solar Panel Company Goes BUST
- Sun spots, solar flares, EMP and Solar Cycle 25
- $10 BILLION solar company goes bust
- DARPA's connection to Bill Gates' All Things Bugs Project
- Gates' CO2 "butter"
- Methane attacked as #2 "greenhouse gas" after CO2 — WRONG. The biggest greenhouse gas is not under man's control and is SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE LARGER
(2:22:02) Olympics in Seine, Gender
- What the Olympics and the Paris Marxist Mayor trying to establish with the low-protein diets and insufferable living conditions for athletes — there IS a purpose
- Athletes talk about the disgusting Seine river that has hospitalized at least one athlete from E. Coli
- Now the transgender boxing issue is being spun as "intersex". Here's why that's irrelevant and it's still man vs woman
- Another comment, BEYOND STUPID, from Lala
- On CNN, black men in a barber shop debate whether Lala is black
- Lala won't debate Trump on Fox, Trump won't debate Lala on ABC — Here's how the partisan media present both sides
- One of Lala's leading candidates for VP served in Israel's military, not US military. Remember Trump's pick for PA Senate, Dr. Oz?
(2:50:28) The "Worker Freedom of Speech Act" is exactly the opposite of its name, just as the "Patriot Act"
- Illinois breaks new ground in violation of the First Amendment
- 6th Circuit says school can compel students to use "preferred pronouns". Discrimination against viewpoint and religious liberty
- BLOWBACK: Anti-Christian group tries to weaponize CPS against a homeschooling family and the governor says they've opened themselves up to a FELONY crime
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
(18:33) The Biden DOJ has tortured, blinded, and denied medical care to this J6 prisoner in an effort to kill him as he explains in his pro se brief. Trump, J6 organizations, and "influencers" grift off the election and J6 but do nothing to help
(33:00) Should Planned Parenthood Give Reparations for Black Genocide? A new documentary shows abortion is at the center of civilizations decline. Project 1916 flips the CRT script of Project 1619 to show the REAL problem — Margaret Sanger's eugenics as the root of Planned Parenthood's abortion industry
(49:38) As more pro-lifers are sentenced on FACE Act "violations", Google shuts down even the gmail account of a 76 yr old activist who will now file a lawsuit
(56:08) Stranded in Space / AI Crash / Drone Wars
- Retired Astronaut says Boeing Starliner Crew is Trapped in Space
- Wall Street is beginning to panic over AI bubble
- Tesla self-driving — will Musk be able to destroy car ownership and have everyone rent from him?
- "Free Speech" X (Twitter) censored Lala fundraising account then restored, but no explanation
- Ukraine is giving birth to Drone Wars — they're proving superior to most existing (and expensive) arms systems as drone takes down a 12-ton helicopter
- The disdain for humanity spreads from the "ceremony" to the contests
- Paris' dystopian militarized police/surveillance state arresting critics for "counter-Olympics leaflets and stickers"
(2:10:21) Lala Can Run AND She Can Hide
- No interviews, no press conferences
- Paying TikTok influencers to praise her
- Mother who was jailed by Lala because her daughter was suffering from sickle cell anemia speaks out against Lala
- Lala's only appearance is Ru Paul Drag Race — but GOP is "weird"
- Reason angry that Trump would consider reducing the double taxation on Social Security. Selective rage over "balancing" budget
Be afraid — of CNN stupidity. You must fear the "gravity" of man-made climate change because CNN thinks it's slowing the earth's rotation
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thr 1Aug24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED - Robot Soldiers and Zombie Internet
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
- When issues take a backseat to personalities and "identity"
- Trump is right about Lala's evolution from Indian to Black identity politics
- Now pushing reparations and drawling down south
- Lala, like Obama, is a perfect example of the injustice and unworkability of "reparations"
- A look at Lala's political issues — even though that's not the focus of either campaign
- Lala's sugar daddy
- Are Republicans waiting to unleash the ActBlue corruption?
- Social Security tax is perhaps the WORST CASE OF BRACKET CREEP
- Whenever anyone suggests cutting taxes they roll out THESE guys who pretend the income tax pays for government
(58:29) JD Vance attacked for being a "climate denier" and supporter of 2A. He's said some good things. Will he stick to it?
(1:09:09) Bizarre split decision on 2A from a NJ judge
(1:18:31) Robot Soldiers and a Zombie Internet
- What recruitment problem? Mark Milley predicts 1/3 of military will be Robot Soldiers within next decade
- Has the "Dead Internet Theory" come true?
(2:16:10) Olympics — A Climate Potemkin Village
- Mock Christ? No problem. Mock the fat lesbian (self-described) and the police come
- Athletes say the horrific "climate friendly accommodations" are costing them records and medals
- Woman who was brain damaged competing against tranny speaks out about the absurdity and danger of men boxing women in the Olympics
- Volleyball coach defies Florida law against males in female sports — and gets suspended
- Atheist groups threatens town. Their position is not merely UN-constituional but ANTI-constitutional
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com
If you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show
Or you can send a donation through
Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764
Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com
Cash App at: $davidknightshow
BTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT